Bulaban Circus

سيرك أبو اللبن


Alternative education, radical imagination, freedom of expression, Art for social change, conflict resolution, solidarity network

Bulaban Circus is a safe and courageous social space that is bright, creative, and widely open for children, artists, clowns, freaks, and all members of our communities.

It is a spontaneous place that seeks to spread the culture of clowning and circus arts by developing alternative education and methodologies of playful interaction to celebrate arts and diversity, and promote enduring inclusivity in our society.

The circus welcomes all ages, and especially minority groups and underprivileged rural children, and provides space to meet and exchange experiences and skills through workshops, classes, festivals and performances that take place in the circus tent in Buzuruna Juzuruna farm in Saadnayel, Beqaa.

We celebrate the arts for social change. We work with radical imagination and applied effort to open horizons and give possibility to what seems impossible.

We believe we can coexist and celebrate our differences to collectively grow in collaboration and creativity.

Our mission is to provide a safe, friendly, and inclusive environment for those affected by ,conflict. We want children to replace their damaged childhood with joy and enrich their imaginations with the magic of social circus and theatre.

Through our location we offer a space that gives the opportunity to work together with people across gender, social and cultural differences and to make friends. In this way they manifest peace, harmony, openness and happiness in their local and global communities

Our Values

Play, FUN and Sense of Humor

Colours and Fantasy

Clown Spirit

**Creativity **

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

Empathy and Compassion

Healthy Boundaries


Respect, Safety and NONviolent Communication





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