Join us in keeping Bulaban Circus alive and running!

Bulaban Circus turned 2 years old in Spring, and we do not want to stop here! We need your support to keep our tent and activities alive, growing, and running.

After 2 years full of success with the children and the circus team in Lebanon, we want to continue doing what we believe in the most, creating life and joy in the midst of all the chaos and collapse. The huge positive impact our social circus had on the children and on all of us during those 2 years, providing a safe and creative bubble in the heart of the Bekaa valley, nestled in Juzuruna Buzuruna organic seed farm, gives us the strength and courage to face and overcome all of the ongoing challenges of our lives, and infuses us with much needed hope and vitality. It renews our capacity to dream and seek sparkling eyes with all the love our community shares with one another. It is a place where we all feel enchanted, comfortable to be ourselves, where we play, create, and actively be seen, accepted, loved and appreciated. We explore and develop our hidden talents as life skills and show them with much confidence in front of our community. We empower each other in so many ways!